
Life as a park ranger

When I was in high school, I thought it would be so fun to have a job as a park ranger, I mean how else would you be paid to go in hikes, see wildlife, and explore while being paid.. I also thought a job like that would be out if reach.

It really makes me laugh to think back on those moments. I pictured a park ranger driving through the roads on the parks and walking the trails to do maintenance.

Now that I am a park ranger, I mostly sit behind a desk or computer. It has taken me a month and a half to realize what I am doing in my job. Seasonal training started a week before I had my first day so I missed out on a lot of basic training. In my second week, my supervisor was gone so I spent a week catching myself up and preparing to teach high school students.

At the skills center, summer school students called me an officer of the law, ranger danger, and dairy girl(?).. It was a shock. I was only 3-5 years older than these students but I couldn't even remember what it was like to be a teen in high school.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on being a park ranger :) That's awesome! It is funny to see High Schoolers and only be a little bit older but it seems like so much more
